The new normal is intense.
Between the mask wearing, germ hypervigilance, hearing about other’s traumatic experiences all day long, and repeated shut downs, it's all a bit much.
The things that weren’t working are more obvious now. You have a lower tolerance for negative energy, stressful scheduling, and chaotic work environments. You are not alone in this.
The pandemic changed the way we think, feel, and behave.
Health and wellbeing is quickly becoming a priority for many people as stress levels have been running high and exterior life has been stripped down. Your clients need more than the exterior benefits of your service. Have you put anything in place that will prepare you to support your clients in our new normal?
Strengthen your wellbeing and move through this time of uncertainty with more ease and enjoyment.
An active focus on wellness will help you feel your best so that you recover quicker from set backs, offer meaningful client transformations, and increase your income, even in these challenging times. Are you ready to let go of what’s not working and step into a brighter, healthier tomorrow?
We will help you build a thriving, wellness-focused beauty career
Strengthen your personal wellbeing so you can feel your best and do your best more of the time.
Becoming wellness-focused in the beauty space will put you in higher demand and your services at a higher price point.
Uplift the world by using beauty to promote better health, personal transformation, and a higher vibration.
What clients are saying
Our process will support your wellness efforts
No matter where you are on your wellness journey, we can help. Here's how...
Meningful & Measureable
Our offerings are data and intuition driven that are rooted in positive psychology and evidence-based practices that deliver results.
A Holistic Approach
We address wellness in mind, body, and spirit to elicit behavior change from the inside – out.
The Beauty Lens
The mission of every offering is to help you cultivate a beautiful mind, heart, and daily actions that result in an engaged, meaningful, and prosperous life.
Let's work together
Our offerings are grounded in science, guided by intuition
Because you are a multidimensional human, we approach wellness development from a holistic perspective. We help you develop in mind, body, and spirit, which will enable you to be successful and feel fulfilled inside and outside of work. We make the concept of wellness accessible and fun, no matter where you are in your wellness journey, through science, research, and evidence-based tools that can applied in everyday life.
A one-of-a-kind training that will transform your work in beauty service into a wellness career. Learn how to provide wellness-focused services by utilizing the 19 Embeautyment Method practices.
WHERE: Location TBD
1 on 1
What is your purpose? Are you living it everyday? Whether you enlist for personal or professional reasons, our coaching sessions will help you clarify your vision and help you work through what has been blocking you so that you can flourish and live a meaningful life.
Other offerings:
• Holistic Wellbeing
• Stress Reduction
• Mindfulness
• Resilience
• Energy Management
• How to get well and stay well through Embeautyment
• The Beauty Narrative
• Energy Management - Be Your Own Healer
• 1 on 1
• Leadership Coaching
• Mastermind Groups
Interested in a workshop for your team?
Our vision is to cultivate beautiful minds, hearts, and actions that uplift the workplace and positively change the world.